To The Point: Roy Somaroo, Roy Khemradj
To The Point: President Chandrikapersad Santokhi
To The Point: Carl Breveld, Rowel Blackman
To The Point: Albert Ramdien
To The Point: Maitre Jagroep, Wikash Ghisaidoobe
To The Point: Minister Krishna Mathoera (Defensie)
To The Point: Joyce De Vlugt
To The Point: Mohamad Nasier Eskak MSc
To The Point: Harry Dorini
To The Point: Angelic Del Castilho
To The Point: Latoya Baarh, Helima Poesa, Etienne Joemai
To The Point: Aishel Bradley, Janine Riedewald, Enjela Kamperveen
To The Point: Winston van der Leuv, Ferdinand Danning
To The Point: Guillermo Samson
To The Point: Beryl Vreden
To The Point: August Boldewijn
To The Point: Milton Kensmil
To The Point: Carl Breeveld
To The Point: Emmy Hart
To The Point: Pertap Bissumbhar
To The Point: Robert Ameerali
To The Point: Ambassadeur Robert Faucher (USA)
To The Point: Frankilin Jabini
To The Point: Arantxa Swedo, Richard Pinas
To The Point: Juan Pawiroredjo
To The Point: Robby Berenstein
To The Point: Sanjay Gaurisankar
To The Point: Steven Mac Andrew
To The Point: Dirk Currie, Gaetano Best
To The Point: Annand Jagesar (Directeur Staatsolie
To The Point: Steven Reyme, Angelic Del Castilho
To The Point: Rasti Rostelli