To The Point: Henry Ori, Randy Zighem
To The Point: Hans Lim a Po, Carmen Bakas
To The Point: Eliabeth Sheombar, Antousha Lim A Po
To The Point: Juul Rodrigues, Charl Cairo
To The Point: Kirtie Algoe, Roy Khemradj
To The Point: Annand Jagesar
To The Point: Max Huisden
To The Point: Minister Albert Ramdin (Bibis)
To The Point: Ebu Jones
To The Point: Minister Krishna Mathoera (Defensie)
To The Point: Waldo Jameson
To The Point: Cheryl Dijksteel
To The Point: Rishma Kuldipsingh
To The Point: Minouche Bromet, Richard Mendes, Gloria Naarendorp
To The Point: Tommy Mungra
To The Point: Winston Ramautarsing, Karel Eckhorst
To The Point: Susan Busropansingh, Revinh Ramnandanlall, Karishma Mathoera
To The Point: John Brewster, Winston Wilson
To The Point: Serena Muntslag-Essed
To The Point: Guillermo Samson, Miracle Abdillah
To The Point: Julio Bikharie
To The Point: Marciano Dasai, Kevin Conrad
To The Point: Rene Westra, Gerard Bakker, Robby Holband
To The Point: Cedric van Samson, Obed Kanape
To The Point: Ruud Souverein
To The Point: Henri Orie, Faried Bholai
To The Point: Winston Wilson, Harm Groot Kormelink, David Zwaarts
To The Point: Ivan Fernald, Milton Jones
To The Point: Johan Roozer
To The Point: Lesley Blinker
To The Point: Eva Stroo (Afl. 1)
To The Point: Minister Stanley Raghoebarsing (Financien)